Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Duck Hunting at Nodaway Valley

So here's the story. I stayed at my mom and dad's house in St. Joseph last night so I could get some extra sleep this morning. The duck drawing at Bob Brown Conservation Area is 4:45am and I would have had to leave around 3am to get there from Weston. Turns out, I woke up at 2:30am out of excitement. Good thing I stayed in St. Joe- not! I decided to go to Perkins at 3am to catch an early breakfast. After that I headed to my old huntin' buddy Tim's house at 4am. We headed to Bob Brown and made it just in time to not draw in at Bob Brown. There were a ton of hunters! So after we didn't make the cut, we headed over to Nodaway Valley.

We went to a public, walk-in hunting area and set up near the refuge and did pretty well. Most of the action happened early, though I did shoot the teal later. I actually plugged him from 40 yards, straight up. It was amazing- of course, the BB shells helped give me some extra reach (though I won't mention the 2 ducks that I missed within 15 yards).

I ended up killing a drake mallard, a green wing teal and what might be a dark colored wood duck?? Tim shot the other two drake mallards and . . . hold on - there's a duck missing?? I would have sworn we had 6 ducks, but I only see 5?? I hope it's not in the back of my car! Mmm, I'm pretty sure 5 ducks means that Tim got 3 and I got 2- but I'm stickin' to my original story! More duck stories later:)

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